The Planning Reserve Margin Requirement (PRMR) is the number of Zonal Resource Credits (ZRCs) required to meet an LSE’s Resource Adequacy Requirements (RAR). The RAR is established to ensure that Load Serving Entities (LSEs) have enough planning resources to serve load reliably.



MISO PRA Scheduled to Start March 26th | Capacity Watch Blog

ESAI brings 20 years of experience analyzing and forecasting the Capacity Markets in PJM, ISO-NE and NYISO, into our new Capacity coverage of MISO. ESAI also maintains a MISO Energy Asset Database (Delivered to subscribers in excel) that tracks the MISO Interconnection queue to forecast Renewables Additions that produces a Probability Weighted Renewable Additions forecast, any Fossil Additions, and also any plant Retirements or forecasting plants at risk of retirement. 

MISO Capacity Price Forecast PRA 2023/24 | Capacity Watch Blog

ESAI brings 20 years of experience analyzing and forecasting the Capacity Markets in PJM, ISO-NE and NYISO, into our new Capacity coverage of MISO. ESAI also maintains a MISO Energy Asset Database (Delivered to subscribers in excel) that tracks the MISO Interconnection queue to forecast Renewables Additions that produces a Probability Weighted Renewable Additions forecast, any Fossil Additions, and also any plant Retirements or forecasting plants at risk of retirement.