Peak Load or Peak Demand is the highest amount of energy demand on an electrical grid or distribution system over a given period. It is usually measured in both the Summer and Winter Seasons.


PJM Load Forecast 2025 Update | Energy Watch Blog

ESAI Power’s latest Energy Watch update includes our view on the impact of PJM’s 2025 Load forecast on Energy Prices and Capacity Prices moving forward in PJM, including detailed analysis of CAGRs for peak load and net energy in AEP, Dominion, PPL, COMED and other PJM RTO zones.

PJM Load Forecast Update | February 2024 | Energy Watch Blog

ESAI Power’s latest Energy Watch market update includes our current 10-year power and natural gas price forecast across PJM, NYISO and ISO-NE. The update also includes our natural gas price forecast, based on our fundamental long-term view, along with forward market prices for the initial years. This blog post will delve into the critical details behind our near-term and long-term 10-year energy market forecast for ISO-New England.

ISO-NE FCA16 Auction Parameters and Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

In ESAI’s latest Capacity Watch report, we analyze the ISO-New England Forward Capacity Auction, FCA16. Clearing Prices are expected to decline from the FCA15 Auction due to a decrease in Net Installed Capacity Requirements (Net ICR) and Net Cost of New Entry (Net CONE).

A New Year (2022) brings New Congestion Risks to PJM, NYISO & ISO-NE | Congestion Watch Blog

High on-peak load levels and gas prices bolster congestion risks in January across ISO-NE and PJM. Winter demand levels are here to stay and are forecasted to be high in every market except for NYISO where temps will be unseasonably warm. Cold-weather seasons are not usually associated with transmission and generator outages, but ESAI has a few outages on our radar that are forecasted to keep all three markets spicy this January.