Net-zero Emissions refer to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere and the amount removed or offset. Achieving net-zero emissions means that any carbon dioxide (CO2) or other greenhouse gases released are counterbalanced by actions such as carbon capture, reforestation, or purchasing carbon credits. The goal is to eliminate a net increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases, thereby helping to mitigate climate change. This concept is central to global efforts to limit global warming and is often a target for countries, companies, and organizations aiming to reduce their environmental impact.


Net Zero by 2050 Emissions Reduction Mandates in New England | Emissions Watch Blog

In today’s blog, we’re providing an excerpt from a recent preview to our next Emissions WatchTM that discusses two new Net Zero by 2050 emissions reduction mandates that were recently signed into law in New England. In Massachusetts, Governor Charlie Baker signed An Act Creating a Next Generation Roadmap for the Massachusetts Climate Policy. Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee signed a Landmark Act on Climate into law on April 10, 2021. Like the Massachusetts Act, it establishes specific emissions reduction mandates.