ICR (Installed Capacity Requirement) refers to the total amount of electrical capacity that must be available and ready to operate to meet anticipated peak demand and ensure reliable electricity supply. It includes the sum of all power generation resources required to cover peak load and maintain system reliability, accounting for factors such as reserve margins and potential outages.


ISO-NE FCA18 Auction Dynamics and Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

In ESAI’s latest Capacity Watch report, we analyze ISO-NE FCA18, Forward Capacity Auction. ESAI’s coverage includes auction parameters, qualified capacity, and expected auction dynamics. These are all detailed in our Capacity Watch report.

ISO-NE FCA16 Auction Parameters and Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

In ESAI’s latest Capacity Watch report, we analyze the ISO-New England Forward Capacity Auction, FCA16. Clearing Prices are expected to decline from the FCA15 Auction due to a decrease in Net Installed Capacity Requirements (Net ICR) and Net Cost of New Entry (Net CONE).