The Henry Hub is a natural gas pipeline located in Erath, Louisiana, that serves as the official delivery location for futures contracts on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). The hub is owned by Sabine Pipe Line LLC and has access to many of the major gas markets in the United States. The hub connects to four intrastate and nine interstate pipelines, including the Transcontinental, Acadian and Sabine pipelines.

Source: Investopedia


PJM Energy Market Outlook | Energy Watch Blog

ESAI Power’s latest Energy Watch PJM market update includes our current 10-year forecast for power and natural gas prices across PJM.  This update is based on ESAI’s fundamental long-term view, along with forward market prices for the initial years. ESAI Power’s latest PJM Energy Watch report includes both our detailed Near-Term and Long-Term outlooks.