A Generator refers to a power generation facility or entity that produces electricity, often from sources like renewable energy, fossil fuels, or nuclear power. Generators seeking to connect to the grid within the PJM Interconnection—a regional transmission organization—must undergo a process to obtain Interconnection Service Agreements (ISAs) or Wholesale Market Participant Agreements (WMPAs). These agreements allow the generator to connect to the grid and participate in the wholesale electricity market.


FERC Approved PJM Queue Reform Proposal | Renewables Watch Blog

FERC Approved PJM’s Queue Reform Proposal. These reforms are intended to address the significant backlog of generation projects with queue positions awaiting ISAs or WMPAs. With this approval, PJM will process New Service Requests under a “first-ready, first-served” approach going forward rather than its current “first-come, first-served” approach.