The Forward Capacity Market (FCM) is the forward market for procuring capacity in ISO-New England. The FCM ensures that the New England power system will have sufficient resources to meet the future demand for electricity. Forward Capacity Auctions (FCAs) are held in ISO-New England. Resources compete in the auctions to obtain a commitment to supply capacity in exchange for a market prices capacity payment. These payments help support the development of new resources. Capacity payments also help retain existing resources, and can serve as a stable revenue stream for resources that help meet peak demand but don’t run that often throughout the remainder of the year.



ISO-NE FCA17 Auction Dynamics and Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

In ESAI’s latest Capacity Watch report, we analyze the ISO-NE FCA17, Forward Capacity Auction. ESAI’s coverage includes auction parameters, qualified capacity, and expected auction dynamics. These are all detailed in our Capacity Watch report.