Energy Watch

ESAI Power publishes Energy WatchTM to help investors, generation owners, developers, utilities, regulators, and energy buyers understand the micro/macro trends impacting energy prices. ESAI produces 10-year power price forecasts for major price hubs and zones within the three Northeast power markets using security-constrained dispatch modeling.

We deliver an ongoing analysis of both North American and Northeast regional natural gas markets. Gas price forecasts and market commentary are included in the Energy WatchTM quarterly and monthly publications. ESAI Power provides basis forecasts for most Northeast-delivered gas pricing points, including Tetco M3, Transco Zone 6 New York, and Algonquin City Gate. We track pipeline and gas infrastructure projects and analyze changes in pipeline system constraints that can impact regional basis spreads.


Northeast Energy Watch Monthly™ Report for April 2020

This monthly issue of ESAI’s Northeast Energy Watch MonthlyTM follows our recent quarterly edition of Energy Watch which provided estimates of potential demand impacts from COVID-19 restrictions. This issue, also made available to all of our quarterly Energy Watch recipients, provides several scenarios bracketing the range of outcomes for power and gas supply, demand and pricing. Feel free to contact ESAI Power for more descriptions of the analyses presented and the underlying assumptions.

ESAI Power LLC Announces Publication of 2018 Q1 Northeast Energy Watch Quarterly™ | Energy Watch Blog

ESAI Power LLC is pleased to announce the publication of our 1st quarter of 2018 Northeast EnergyWatch Quarterly™ publication. The issue addresses recent growth in natural gas production and expected costs of future supply.  ESAI has revised its long-term natural gas price forecast down compared to previous recent quarterly projections.