Energy Graphic

Energy refers to the capacity to do work, particularly in the form of electricity, which is generated, transmitted, and consumed within power markets.

ESAI Power helps investors, generation owners, developers, utilities, regulators, and energy buyers understand the micro/macro trends impacting energy prices. ESAI produces 10-year power price forecasts for major price hubs and zones within the three Northeast power markets using security-constrained dispatch modeling.


PJM Energy Market Outlook | Energy Watch Blog

ESAI Power’s latest Energy Watch PJM market update includes our current 10-year forecast for power and natural gas prices across PJM.  This update is based on ESAI’s fundamental long-term view, along with forward market prices for the initial years. ESAI Power’s latest PJM Energy Watch report includes both our detailed Near-Term and Long-Term outlooks. 

PJM Interconnection Process Update | Generation Asset Monitor Blog

Earlier this month, PJM issued an update on its new process for studying New Service Requests from generators seeking Interconnection Service Agreements (ISAs) or Wholesale Market Participant Agreements (WMPAs). This new process was approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on November 29, 2022, and was implemented to address the significant backlog of generation projects with queue positions awaiting ISAs or WMPAs.