EMAAC (Eastern Mid-Atlantic Area Council) is a Locational Deliverability Area (LDA) within the PJM Interconnection, which is the regional transmission organization (RTO) that manages the electric grid and wholesale electricity market in a large portion of the eastern United States.  EMAAC covers parts of the Mid-Atlantic region, including areas in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland. EMAAC is a sub-region within PJM’s capacity market, meaning it has its own constraints and pricing for electricity capacity to ensure grid reliability.


PJM BRA 2024/25 Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

For Energy Investors and Generation Owners investing and trading in PJM, it’s vital to have an in-depth market model with deep analysis of the market fundamentals, the latest regulatory updates, and insight into the rule changes and planning parameters that impact PJM BRA clearing prices moving forward. Surface level analysis is not enough when it comes to making investment decisions in the PJM Capacity Market. The PJM BRA for 2024/25 Delivery year is set to begin December 7th, 2022

Outage-Related Transmission Constraints to Impact Power Prices in PJM, NYISO & ISO-NE | Congestion Watch Blog

Congestion in April will largely be driven by outage-related transmission constraints, as maintenance for both generator and transmission kicks into gear. Electricity demand across the Northeast RTOs bottoms out in April, moderating demand-driven congestion. However, while warmer temperature forecasts moderate April load expectations in New England and New York, warmer-than-normal April weather is likely to trigger some cooling demand and increased electricity consumption in PJM.