The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) is an EPA program that requires member states in the USA to reduce their power plant emissions that contribute to pollution (ozone and/or fine particles) in other US states. CSAPR sets standards for NOx and SO2. CSAPR mandates specific states to lower plant emissions that can lead to soot and smog, and impact air quality and public health not only locally but in regions located hundreds of miles downwind in other states. The EPA describes this rule as “protecting the health of millions of Americans by helping states reduce air pollution and attain clean air standards.”



Proposed EPA Rule Leads to Quadrupling Group 3 Ozone Season CSAPR NOx Prices | Emissions Watch Blog

The EPA issued a proposed rule in February 2022 that, if finalized, will implement significant programmatic changes, and establish lower emissions limits to the existing Group 3 Ozone Season Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) beginning in the 2023 ozone season. Following the issuance of this proposed rule, Group 3 CSAPR NOx allowance prices have quadrupled from approximately $6,500/ton in February to $28,500/ton (June 6).