Congestion Watch Graphic

Congestion Watch is currently retired as an ESAI Power publication. It analyzed transmission congestion across the Northeast power systems and examined the underlying transmission constraints in the RTOs’ Day-Ahead Markets. The report provided month-ahead assessments of the congestion component of zonal LMPs for each Northeast RTO ahead of each upcoming monthly Firm Transmission Rights (FTR) auction in the Northeast. The report provided expert insights into key drivers for congestion pricing, such as transmission and generation outages, system load, and changes to fuel prices.


Power Generation Outages Peaking in April | Congestion Watch Blog

Generator outages during the spring maintenance season will peak in April across PJM, NYISO, and ISO-New England, impacting overall congestion patterns and increasing the risk of elevated congestion in load pockets. However, as warmer than normal weather expectations combine with ongoing COVID-19-related demand impacts to moderate electricity demand in April, lower loads will partly offset the impact of planned generator maintenance.