Capacity Watch GraphicCapacity WatchTM – Provides analysis of capacity markets and policy issues that impact capacity price outcomes over a 10-year forecast horizon. The impacts of new generation and retirements on reserve margin surpluses and forward capacity market values is updated and presented in each issue. Coverage includes:

  • An evaluation of the outlook for the construction of each generation project in PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE and MISO via our Generation Asset Monitor monthly updates.
  • Pre & post Capacity auction briefings on PJM BRAs, ISO-NE FCAs, MISO PRAs with ongoing, in-depth NYISO Capacity market analysis.
  • Up-to-date 10-year Capacity Price forecast.

Subscribers can also access ESAI’s Generation Asset Monitor, which provides a detailed evaluation of the outlook for the construction of generation projects and plant retirements in ISO-NE, NYISO, PJM, and MISO.


ESAI Power LLC Announces Publication of 2018 Q1 Capacity Watch™ | Capacity Watch Blog

ESAI Power LLC is pleased to announce the publication of our 1st quarter of 2018 Capacity Watch™ publication.  The issue presents an overview of the penalties for delays or cancellations in delivery of new generation and the implications for capacity markets.  The New England section discusses the CASPR capacity substitution rule and its potential impact on prices.