Our Bal-Week report has been retired. It offered concise near-term projections for critical hubs within Northeastern power markets, specifically focusing on the PJM Western Hub, New York Zones A and J, and the ISO-NE Internal Hub. The report encompasses insightful analysis and commentary by our experts concerning anticipated developments in fundamental factors that introduce short-term price volatility to the electricity market. These factors encompass Demand, Supply, and Congestion. For each of these fundamental factors, our dedicated analyst team provides a clear bullish, bearish, or neutral indicator, elucidating how projected events, such as new transmission outages or potential constraints in natural gas pipelines, may exert influence on electricity prices. To offer a comprehensive perspective, we furnish both High and Low sensitivity scenarios alongside our forecasts. These sensitivities present a range of expected electricity prices, offering a probabilistic outlook for market participants.


Persistent Congestion on NYISO’s Central East Interface: The End is in Sight | Congestion Watch Blog

The Central East Interface is one of New York’s most congested corridors, enabling Upstate generation to serve the robust load levels Downstate. Congestion on the interface and the Zone F/Zone E basis spread has increased significantly in the past 1.5 years as a result of construction on the Central East Energy Connect, one of the two projects under the AC Transmission Upgrades PPTN. In addition to construction-associated outages, higher delivered gas prices in eastern New York have contributed to increased congestion.