PJM Generation Asset Monitor Update | Capacity News

This update provides a high-level overview of our recently published PJM Generation Asset Monitor (GAM) report and database.  The PJM GAM tracks the Interconnection queues for additions, forecasts plant retirements and plants deemed at risk of retirement, and provides an outlook for the timeline of renewable generation projects in PJM, MISO, NYISO and ISO-NE.

PJM GAM Update includes:

  • Status of all projects with active generator interconnection queues in PJM.
  • Potential impacts of developers recently withdrawing several thousand MW of projects from the queue’s Transition Cycle #1 (TC1 study group).
  • Highlights of the continued project development challenges faced by developers with regards to site control, permitting, financing, and supply chain issues.
PJM Generation Asset Monitor
Capacity News

After PJM’s August 6th status update on its processing of New Service Requests from generators seeking ISAs in the TC1 group, multiple projects did not qualify for inclusion in PJM’s expedited ‘Fast Lane’ group. ESAI’s recent PJM GAM breaks down all withdrawn TC1 projects following PJM’s Phase I study by Renewable Energy type, including Offshore Wind, Solar, Storage and Onshore Wind. Notably, the majority of all withdrawn projects were solar.

Note that ESAI Power publishes the Generation Asset Monitor monthly as part of our Benchmark Energy Research.  The GAM covers MISO, PJM, NYISO and ISO-New England.  Click here to learn more about our monthly GAM database.