PJM Energy Market Outlook | Energy Watch Blog
ESAI Power’s latest Energy Watch PJM market update includes our current 10-year forecast for power and natural gas prices across PJM. This update is based on ESAI’s fundamental long-term view, along with forward market prices for the initial years. The report includes both our detailed Near-Term and Long-Term outlooks.
ESAI’s PJM Energy Watch Near-Term update forecasts include the following:
- Natural Gas prices for Henry Hub, TETCO M3, Dom South, Chicago CG and TZ6 NNY.
- Hub On-Peak Power prices for NI Hub, AD Hub, Western Hub and East Hub.
- Hub On-Peak Spark Spreads for NI, AD, WH and EH.
ESAI’s Long-Term PJM Energy Market forecast [10-years] includes:
- Hub On-Peak Power prices.
- Long-term Gas Price forecast.
- Hub On-Peak Spark Spreads.
- Detailed Power Price forecasts for Western Hub, AD Hub, Eastern Hub and NI Hub.
- Fully transparent PJM Power Price forecast Assumptions, including Demand assumptions, retirement assumptions, and planned transmission upgrades/additional import capability.
Note that ESAI also closely tracks developments in the PJM Capacity market, PJM Renewable energy sector, monitors the Emissions market, and our Generation Asset Monitor tracks the PJM Interconnection queue and forecasts upcoming power plant retirements in PJM.
ESAI Power is a market research and consulting firm that delivers focused analysis of the wholesale power markets: PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE and MISO. To become a client, click here.
Learn about our Energy Research
ESAI Power’s Energy research team continuously monitors the power and natural gas markets in PJM, New York, and New England, providing in-depth analysis of market conditions, energy pricing forecasts, fuel input trends, policy impacts, and generator spark spreads.
We help investors, private equity, lenders, investment banks and generation owners understand key trends shaping energy prices. Using security-constrained dispatch modeling, we deliver 10-year power price forecasts for major hubs and zones in the Northeast RTOs.
The Energy Watch publication includes natural gas price forecasts, market commentary, and basis forecasts for key Northeast pricing points like Tetco M3, Transco Zone 6 New York, and Algonquin City Gate. We also track pipeline developments and analyze system constraints affecting regional basis spreads.
Learn About Renewable Energy
ESAI Power evaluates Renewable Energy issues, markets and trends in the PJM, New York, and New England market footprints. Coverage includes solar, onshore and offshore wind, hydroelectric, and storage. For each region, ESAI Power details the regulatory and market factors that impact the supply and demand balance for Class I Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and projects the supply and demand balance of Class I RECs through 2030.
Learn About Energy Watch
Energy WatchTM provides an analysis of market and policy issues affecting energy pricing dynamics over the next 10-year period for both the power and natural gas sectors. This analysis includes forecasts of pool-wide and zonal energy prices in New England, New York, and PJM, including forecasts of fuel inputs. Supporting assumptions are provided in each report.