NYISO ICAP Capacity Market Description
The New York Installed Capacity (ICAP) market serves to maintain reliability of the bulk power system by procuring sufficient resource capability to meet expected maximum energy needs plus an Installed Reserve Margin (IRM).
NYISO capacity auctions are conducted on a seasonal and monthly basis, with seasonal auctions for the summer capability period (May through October) and winter capability period (November through April). Monthly auctions provide additional opportunities for capacity purchases and sales. Lastly, the NYISO’s monthly “Spot auctions” ensure that all capacity procurement obligations are adequately secured.
Here is a calendar of upcoming ICAP auctions for the NYISO capacity market.
ICAP Auction |
Offer / Bid Period Opens |
Offer / Bid Period Closes |
Auction Results Posted |
March Spot Market Auction | 2/24/2025 | 2/25/2025 | 2/27/2025 |
April Spot Market Auction | 3/25/2025 | 3/26/2025 | 3/28/2025 |
Summer Strip Market Auction | 3/27/2025 | 3/28/2025 | 4/1/2025 |
May Spot Market Auction | 4/24/2025 | 4/25/2025 | 4/29/2025 |
Winter 2024/25 Ends on 4/30/2025
Summer 2025 Starts on 5/1/2025 |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
June Spot Market Auction | 5/23/2025 | 5/27/2025 | 5/29/2025 |
Updated February 11, 2025
ESAI Power is providing this information to assist you in understanding the schedules for different ISO/RTO Energy Auctions. Note that ESAI Power urges all market participants to check all market rules and ensure that you are complying with all requirements for each ISO/RTO.
More Information
- To confirm dates for NYISO Auctions – please consult the NYISO ICAP calendar website here:
http://icap.nyiso.com/ucap/public/evt_calendar_display.do - Full details in the NYISO ICAP can be found here:
About ESAI Power
ESAI Power is a market research and consulting firm that delivers focused analysis of the wholesale power markets: PJM, NYISO, ISO-NE & MISO. Since 2001, ESAI has been providing market-focused research product content and custom consulting services for power market participants including investors, traders, developers, lenders, generation owners & operators, utilities & retail electricity suppliers, regulators & RTOs, corporate energy buyers.