Tom Bausemer

Chief Operating Officer

As our Chief Operating Officer, Tom Bausemer leads the ESAI Power practice, focusing on the New England, New York, and PJM and Midcontinent power markets. Tom brings over 25 years of experience in the information and commodity trading markets. Prior to joining ESAI Power, Tom spent 4 years as CRO at FastMarkets RISI, and also held senior management roles in consulting and business development at Forrester Research during his 11-year tenure.

Tom graduated from St. Bonaventure University with a BA in Journalism.

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Recent Posts by Tom Bausemer

Emissions News

EPA Proposes Tightening Fine Particulate Matter Standard, Potentially Affecting Coal Power Plants | Emissions News

Ethan Howland reports in Utility Dive that in a move that could add to regulatory requirements for coal-fired power plants, the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday proposed tightening the primary annual air quality standard for fine particulate matter, called PM 2.5, to a range of 9 micrograms per cubic meter to 10 µg/m3 from 12 µg/m3. Coal plants owners in nonattaintment areas for a revised standard will have to meet requirements outlined in any approved state plans for meeting the federal PM 2.5 limit, according to Julia Criscuolo, ESAI Power manager of renewables and emissions.
Congestion Watch Blog

RGGI Auction 58 Clears at $12.99 | Emissions Watch Blog

The most recent RGGI quarterly auction (Auction 58) was held on December 7, 2022. The clearing price was $12.99/ton, three percent lower than the clearing price of $13.45/ton on September 7, 2022 (see Figure 1). Auction 58 represents the second consecutive auction with a clearing price lower than the previous auction, with both Auctions 57 and 58 clearing 3 percent below previous auction clearing prices.
Capacity Watch Blog

MISO Capacity Price Forecast PRA 2023/24 | Capacity Watch Blog

ESAI brings 20 years of experience analyzing and forecasting the Capacity Markets in PJM, ISO-NE and NYISO, into our new Capacity coverage of MISO. ESAI also maintains a MISO Energy Asset Database (Delivered to subscribers in excel) that tracks the MISO Interconnection queue to forecast Renewables Additions that produces a Probability Weighted Renewable Additions forecast, any Fossil Additions, and also any plant Retirements or forecasting plants at risk of retirement. 
Congestion Watch Blog

Persistent Congestion on NYISO’s Central East Interface: The End is in Sight | Congestion Watch Blog

The Central East Interface is one of New York’s most congested corridors, enabling Upstate generation to serve the robust load levels Downstate. Congestion on the interface and the Zone F/Zone E basis spread has increased significantly in the past 1.5 years as a result of construction on the Central East Energy Connect, one of the two projects under the AC Transmission Upgrades PPTN. In addition to construction-associated outages, higher delivered gas prices in eastern New York have contributed to increased congestion.
Capacity Watch Blog

PJM BRA 2024/25 Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

For Energy Investors and Generation Owners investing and trading in PJM, it’s vital to have an in-depth market model with deep analysis of the market fundamentals, the latest regulatory updates, and insight into the rule changes and planning parameters that impact PJM BRA clearing prices moving forward. Surface level analysis is not enough when it comes to making investment decisions in the PJM Capacity Market. The PJM BRA for 2024/25 Delivery year is set to begin December 7th, 2022
Renewables Watch Blog

Renewable Energy PPA Trends & Outlook | Renewables Watch Blog

Renewable generation in PJM has been increasing over the past few years and will play a larger role in the market's resource mix going forward. Coal-fired capacity is retiring at a rapid pace, and the interconnection queue is heavily comprised of renewable capacity. There is approximately 133 GW of utility-scale solar, wind, and offshore wind projects with queue positions in various stages of development.