Tom Bausemer

Chief Operating Officer

As our Chief Operating Officer, Tom Bausemer leads the ESAI Power practice, focusing on the New England, New York, and PJM and Midcontinent power markets. Tom brings over 25 years of experience in the information and commodity trading markets. Prior to joining ESAI Power, Tom spent 4 years as CRO at FastMarkets RISI, and also held senior management roles in consulting and business development at Forrester Research during his 11-year tenure.

Tom graduated from St. Bonaventure University with a BA in Journalism.

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Recent Posts by Tom Bausemer

Capacity Watch Blog

PJM BRA 2022/23, ISO-NE FCA 16 Forecast and NYISO Capacity Price Forecast | Capacity Watch Blog

Our Q1 Capacity Watch™ provides clients with an in-depth outlook on PJM, ISO-New England and NYISO Capacity prices. For ISO New England, we review the results for the Fifteenth Forward Capacity Auction (FCA15) recently conducted by ISO New England. In PJM, parameters have been released for the 2022/23 BRA, scheduled for May 2021. With a lower forecasted peak load, auction clearing prices are expected to decline in all PJM locations. In New York, the 2021 Summer Capability Period will begin in May.
Capacity Watch Graphic

Capacity Watch™ Report Released for Q1 2021

Our Q1 issue of Capacity WatchTM came out this week. In this issue, we’re covering results from ISO-New England FCA15 and an outlook for FCA16. In PJM we’re forecasting the BRA clearing prices expected in the upcoming capacity auction. For NYISO, due to a lower forecasted peak load and a drop in the Locational Capacity Requirement (LCR), prices are expected to decline substantially for New York City.
Transmission Watch Graphic

Transmission Watch™ Report Published for Q1 2021

In today’s Transmission WatchTM report, ESAI Power analysts assess the NYDPS report on the power grid mandated by the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Benefit Act. Our analysis looks at the need for coordination between renewables and energy storage deployment. This will have implications on the competitive market structure in the NYISO.
Transmission Watch Blog

Need Coordination Between Renewables and Energy Storage Deployment in NYISO | Transmission Watch Blog

In our latest Transmission Watch report, we identify the need for coordination between renewables and energy storage development in NYISO.  ESAI's analysts take an in-depth perspective on the New York Department of Public Services (NYDPS) initial report on the Power Grid to the New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) in January. This Power Grid Study was mandated by the April 2020 Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act. This study seeks to identify transmission investments that are necessary to achieve climate goals under New York’s July 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CPCLA).
Energy Watch Monthly

Northeast Energy Watch Monthly™ Report for March, 2021 | Energy Watch Blog

This monthly issue of ESAI’s Northeast Energy Watch MonthlyTM provides a summary of the February prices surging in the Northeast Electricity prices.  As Spring approaches, milder weather will moderate electricity demand, gas prices and power prices across the Northeast.
Energy Watch Blog

Feb Power Prices Surged, March Equinox Moderates Demand & RGGI Auction No. 51 update

In the March issue of Energy Watch, we produce our 9-month Northeast Electricity Price forecast for PJM, ISO-New England, and NYISO.  Here is what to look for: 1) PJM power prices surged in February as cold winter weather boosted delivered natural gas prices. 2) On-Peak power prices in ISO-New England jumped to $82.90/MWH in February as cold winter weather drove the average price of delivered natural gas at Algonquin Citygate to $8.89/MMBtu. 3) New York power prices climbed in February as cold weather supported strong gas prices. On-peak power prices in Zones J and G cleared at $73.89/MWh and $67.41MWh, respectively.