ISO-NE Proposes Ending MOPR in 2025, with a Transition Aimed at Protecting Grid Reliability | Energy News

reports in Utility Dive that ISO New England has proposed ending its “minimum offer price rule” in 2025, with a transition that exempts up to 700 MW of qualified state-supported capacity — or roughly 2,000 MW of nameplate capacity — from the MOPR over the next two capacity auctions. The proposal responds to complaints ISO-NE was thwarting states’ efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But eliminating the MOPR immediately could cause existing power plants to retire before they can be replaced, creating reliability risks, ISO-NE said in a proposal filed Thursday with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

The 700-MW exemption for renewables is “substantial,” since it translates to significantly higher nameplate capacity, according to our Scott Niemann, Director and Principal at ESAI Power. “From a practical perspective, keeping the current MOPR provisions in place for two more auctions should not have much impact on the auction results,” Niemann said Monday.

Read more in Utility Dive.

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